Introducing the A/B Test List Gadget
Syndicated post | Published: 20 May 2019Show editors active A/B Test details on the dashboard.
Autofill Episerver Forms fields from Profile Store
Syndicated post | Published: 10 May 2019Prefill forms from Profile Store and save some time.
Third party caching and website speed
Published: 11 Feb 2019Caching isn't always the band-aid you think it is. Here's why.
Check tracked time in Toggl with iOS Shortcuts
Published: 31 Jan 2019How you can use iOS Shortcuts for a one-click approach to see time logged towards a Toggl project today.
Introducing Relatively Productive
Published: 18 Jan 2019I think podcasts are great so I've started one of my own. Unfortunately all the podcast hosting services are iffy so I had to build my own.
Looking back with #SaturdayEarth
Published: 1 Dec 2018We live in an age where a twenty-something from Africa can have an automated process of creating Earth gifs with images from two separate space agencies on different continents. Read that again.
Start with a Minimum Viable Public Product (MVPP)
Published: 9 Nov 2018How defining a Minimum Viable Public Product (MVPP) early on in the software development life cycle helps get clean code open sourced faster.
Use Toggl to track daily goal achievements
Published: 29 Oct 2018Daily goals are great, tracking them daily not so much. The good news is that if you've already tracked the time in Toggl you don't need to do double the work.
Adventures with ElasticSearch
Published: 27 Sept 2018I've been having a lot of fun with ElasticSearch throwing just about anything I can at it. This is the story of how I tried to index Instagram with it (sort of).
Start Specific Toggl Timer with iOS12 Shortcuts
Published: 22 Sept 2018Let's make a iOS 12 Shortcut that does exactly one thing: start a predefined Toggl Timer.