2023 - The Year of Decree

Published: 2 Jan 2023. Estimated read time about 2 minutes.
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2023 - The Year of Decree

My plans and focus areas for 2023.


Focus on

2022 Review

What a year 2022 - The Year of Foundation was. I’m really happy with how all aspects of the year went other than in the health/fitness category.

My time tracking shows it was by far the year that I’ve exercised the least since records began in 2017, which is why for this next year it is the top priority.

The list below may make it seem like it wasn’t all that great, but I’ve never had a more rewarding and personally successful year.

Focus Areas of 2022

I probably should have taken some time to re-define the updated focus areas, but that is something I’ve learned for future years where the focus areas change early on. Doing them retroactively now would be me giving myself gold stars for the stuff I did anyway, which defeats the point of the focus areas. Back to doing things by the book.

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